DISH Fiber Linkedin Campaign

The goal for this campaign was to reach a targeted list of prospects in a B2B social media environment. We also wanted to create content that enabled new business prospecting for our sales team while showing ongoing investment in the category. We created upper funnel tactics (such as video an organic static posts) to create awareness of our brand in the category. Our mid-funnel tactics, which were targeted at users who had engaged with our brand previously, were created to increase consideration via more organic static posts, paid static posts and dynamic video ads. Finally, we utilized lower funnel tactics to convert users into leads via content downloads and conversion-focused ads.  


Throughout Q1 of this campaign, we generated 223,139 video views, increased our engagement by 300% and follower growth by 82%.

High Funnel

Here are the videos used as high funnel awareness plays for this campaign.

Mid Funnel

Examples of dynamic video ads and static organic posts used in our mid-funnel tactics.

Low Funnel

One of our longer format content pieces along with the static post used to generate interest.